

Nothing great was ever achieved without Enthusiasm!! My mom has always had this quote in one of her bathrooms and today it has totally Motivated me to get things in gear. i am inspired by this quote and these fantastic women!


i cant help but get so excited about color from this site! every little bit of her home is drenched in color in a GREAT way! seriously INSPIRATION right there.


i cant help but get so excited about the adorable outdoor projects from this site! well her indoor is just awesome as well but my goodness i love the porch she just did. VOTE for her!


and now my favorite!!
i cant help but get so excited about the fresh look around her home! the mind can only be calm and refreshed from seeing her home. im sure being in her home is even better!

so thank you to my top 3 ladies of inspiration!! i get excited through the day to think of what i can do next. and it is a challenge working on limited moolah so it is more fun!!! but what cant a can of spray paint and a string of twine do?? you tell me? then i will find you something! anyways so get inspired today!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.


Whitney Bonnett Taylor said...

holy Delila is looking SO BIG!

Sarah Bradford-Burton said...

I have to agree with you about Chris Kauffman's blog. She makes it seem so easy too!