
i love you

so today was richies birthday so i made hime a cute little sign but i thought awe perfect i can leave this up for valentines day as well!!! i did a few other crafts today to. when your in the mood you just gotta pull out the crafty stuff and go for it!!! atleast for me. i love you richard!

p.s. dont mind my mantel right now. i have not fixed it up yet. oh and i have a plan for that to! :)

Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.


Nisha said...

cute! Such a loving wife :)

Mandy said...

Your house is so cute. I never thought I would see the day that you would keep your personal space so neat and tidy. It makes my heart swell. You are doing such a good job as a wife and mother.

Jamy said...

BAH! So I feel terrible, but Tyler decided he wanted to go to Monticello tomorrow night instead of Thursday, so I have to cancel our play date! I just found out this afternoon and was hoping I could get things ready so I didn't have to cancel: but it's not gonna happen! I'm sorry! We get back Monday sometime, so how about NEXT wednesday?

The Wies Family said...

I need to be better at commenting on blogs. I go through phases of being really good at it and then just plain old sucking. Anyway, I love your craftiness! I always love to look at your blog and see what new creation you have come up with.

Molly said...

Me, too! Me, too! I stalk your blog sometimes, too! Your little girl is adorable. I'd ask my grandma what kind of skates she had, but I doubt she'd remember. But it was in Oakland, so being so local it's definitely a possibility. :)

Anonymous said...

Love your creativity and working on the new house. That's my dream to have a big space one day. So far it's only a small one.
Your little doll is so cute. I have three girls, so I know how wonderful they are! Keep up the good work!