so i started working on this cute project a couple of days ago and so far i love it!!! i love the sweet beachy look of this blue!! so we hope to get it all finished up by the weekend!!!!! WOOHOOOOO i can't wait to show you all this cutness about to happen!
Hmm what could it be?
Posted by
the keele's
11:36 AM
love the D
Isn't she just soooooooooooo cute!!!
We sure do love this little D!!! Richard always snaps adorable pictures of
Delila! SOOOO CUTE!!!
Posted by
the keele's
8:09 PM
thats it. 10 more pounds to kick off!!!!!!! woohoo it can be done. my huz even said to me yesterday whoa, katie your lookin like you lost weight. WELL DUH!!! hahaha!!! the funk has left the building!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
12:34 PM
i love you
so today was richies birthday so i made hime a cute little sign but i thought awe perfect i can leave this up for valentines day as well!!! i did a few other crafts today to. when your in the mood you just gotta pull out the crafty stuff and go for it!!! atleast for me. i love you richard!
p.s. dont mind my mantel right now. i have not fixed it up yet. oh and i have a plan for that to! :)
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
6:58 PM
So i have been wanting to do this and i just did! i free handed it so i have some things i wanna fix up a little more tomorrow. i need to get a little paint brush though. i wanna re-shape one of the birdies a little bit. I think it is so so cute. now i need to decorate delila's shelves and over her crip off to the side i want to paint a tree. in black as well!!! i sure have a bunch of little ideas in my head! and i cant wait to get them out.
does this look dumb??? be honest.
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
6:51 PM
Nursery time!!!
Delial had her first day of Nursery yesterday Jan. 18, 2009!!! Rich dropped her off and he said she went in no prob didnt even look back at rich. (haha) and so i went in to check on her half way through and they were just getting around in a circle on their little chairs for singing time and i stuck around for a minute. they said fold your arms and be reverent and she did and so she thought it was a prayer so she said AMEN very loud. (haha) then singing started and it is a song we sing at our house together and she was totally doing all the actions and she finally saw me half way trhough that song and waved hi to me (haha) and then i said bye bye delila! We picked her up together and she gave us her picture she colored and it is now on our Fridge. Such a great day for her and for us!! when you read (haha) it is really a happy sad laugh from within cause lila is so grown up now. so sad! she is an amazing little girl though and we love her to bits!!!!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
10:16 AM
hair shmair
so i love this hair. it is great for a growing out short cut. my bangs need a little more to grown now. when it gets there you can see it. haha isnt it cute atleast till my hair grows to what i want it to be?!!!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
11:33 AM
i seriously just love this pictures. Delila is so little in it and she is so happy. i have such love for this little missy!! Delila your the bestest little nut EVER!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
10:07 AM
do you ever feel like.....
like your in an ugly funk? I DO RIGHT NOW! i have 13 or 14 more pounds to loose and my hair was way cute when it first got cut but now i am growing it out and it is ugly! i am so in a FUNK! what can i do though right? just keep on keepin on. give me a few months and then i will back HAHA! but really i feel like i am in a FUNK! so to make me feel better im just gonna paint my house lots of fun times!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
9:53 AM
Before and After of the kitchen
WHOOP,WHOOP! HAHA!! So i am so excited with the out come of the kitchen. i was in teh mood to paint and so i decided to do the kitchen cause it was quick and easy! i love it. i think i am gong to do our stairway this color or similar cause i got to paints this one and another one with a bit more green in it. LOVE it!! so cheery! i actually am going to spray paint the LOVE red. i am waiting for the spray paint from rich. WHOOP, WHOOP!
p.s. still have to paint the bar stools. it is on my soon on my list!! :)
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
7:39 PM
baking with mama
so we went to our neighbors house for family home evening tonight and we decided to bring over some brownies. So delila got this apron and matching chef hat from grammy kuhn for christmas. (she was so lucky to also get one from grandma keele and i made her one) anyways here is a fun picture of her dressed up. i let her lick the spoon after and WHOA she loved it!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
9:36 PM
Posted by
the keele's
5:16 PM
what i have been doing?
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
i have been learning how to do digital things in photo shop. my mom asked if i would put together an announcement for my brothers wedding cause they wanna keep it low budget. so of course i sad YES!!! so i began to figure it out and once you understand how to do it you get ADDICTED like me! but it is lots of fun and this was one of the first digital that i put together of delila.remember i am learning so just know that. haha but i do like the simplicity of it.
Posted by
the keele's
5:03 PM
whats in my front yard?
So our little family was playin in the family room and i just looked out the window for a sec and saw a huge shadow outside under the street light. i run to look and there was a family of 3 huge deer hanging out in our front yard. whoa!! so rich runs to get his cam and of course they leave. oh well. anyways that was so cool. i guess cause of all the snow they are gettin hungry so they come to our neighborhood to find food?? crazy.
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
10:48 PM
kitchen still a bit in progress but lookin good.
so a few things still nee to find its place. and i am working on that. found these baskets for cheap ikea and i sprayed them red. cute and gives me more places to put things. the corner i think i will find something cute to put up there for decoration. i need to paint and add a pad and fabric to the bar stools that we got at our friends garage sale for 5 bucks for all three! nice huh. anyway lovin it. oh we got a new light for the kitchen too.
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
2:25 PM
her is the dining room. rich and i work great together on projects. it is fun. we made this little kids bar. it is great for coloring and eating. lila loves it. then here is the hutch that we painted. love it. then we decided on the painting richards dad did for us to go in their as well. we still need to get chairs and paint our table black too. lots of fun.
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
2:15 PM
missy d
these top ones are all from our house. the first two are delila loving her tink and the next one is delila in her fav. drawer in the kitchen. the last one is funny. we ran from the church to the car and it got windy all the sudden and her hair stayed up like that forever. haha
these are from our trip in sf.
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
2:03 PM
D with Grammy and Papa
Here are the pics of Delila with her grammy and papa from the san francisco outing! She sure does love them. Were excited they will be here in 3 weeks!!!!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
1:12 PM
The SF City
so here are some of my shots from my point and shoot. i think they are pretty. it was a bit overcast but it was still so fun.
Posted by
the keele's
11:52 AM