Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
7:24 PM
play that music little girl!
Last night we had dinner with richards sister Kristal and her husband Robert! Lets just say delila had a plast and can't wait to go back!! The two are very into music and talented as well so they have the whole jammin get up in their spare room!!!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
2:12 PM
just pics of our itty bitty D!
Awe i sure do love me some DELILA! she is so cute about saying cheese and she thought it was so funny that mommy was trying to eat her up!! i sure could she is so adorable!! funny moment we had this morning, she got a bonk and i kissed it better and i have a scratch on my knee so she kissed it better lol. over and over and over and over! it was ADORABLE!
these adorable pictures are of delila being her cute self hanging out while waiting for her friend to come and play!!!
SO last sunday delila had a bit of a tummy ache and that meant a very sweet cuddly little girl! she is obsessed with her daddy it is so cute. she was all cuddled up on richies nap and the next thing we knew she was totally asleep! We sure do love these days!!!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
1:15 PM
has your child ever...
so delila woke up around 4:20 this morning and i was not about to get up that early so she came in bed with us and slept a couple more hours. anyways in the middle of sleeping i hear no no no....hello...kitty.. no no no no hahahha! has your child ever talked in their sleep! sorta funny!!
p.s. dont forget about the post below and pray for my sister in law, brother and nephews!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
9:06 AM
lots of prayers
My sweet sister in law Carmella has been feeling pretty cruddy since sunday! she had to go to the ER a couple of times to get fluids fromt his flue like illness she was having. up till the other day maybe we just thought it was the flue until she couldnt even get dressed or remember her own name or respond to anything. she was not herself. last night my brother brought my nephews to my parents (who have been taking care of them the last week to give carmella rest) and my mom answers the door and my nephew jayden was crying bad! jason comes back to tell him it is going to be ok and gives him a big huh. HE WAS SCARED! anyway, they went to the er last night (jason and carmella) and they did a spinal tap and drew some more blood. so jason was then told that she has viral meningitis! eeek from what i know it isnt good. but there are different types viral is the best to have. so luckily the dr is calm and lets my brother know it will be ok. she is young and we are on the ball. the big wigs have come to help and she is getting the attention needed! this is such a learning experience for my brother! Blessings, Faith and Prayers.... it isnt easy going through this but i also pray that this is something he will learn faith through.... he's an amazing person and i am sad he is going through this but what an experience to help him know through faith heavenly father is here by his side and watching over carmella and his boys!!
so please keep them in your prayers!! xoxo
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
8:59 AM
this was our saturday!!!
So we went to a fun place rich and i used to go to before we had delila. the progresive power tumbling place in springville. lots of fun to get together with tons of people. anyway, so this was delila's first time JUMPING in on the fun! it was totally fun that her cousin MAX was able to be there as well! woohoo!! anyway, so here are some of the pictures from the day........
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
10:13 AM
D must have been needing her Z zzz
so this is how i found delila. she only took a short nap today grrr so she must have been sleepy still. 5 hours later i found her doing this above. she is so so cute!
just a cute ps note, delila and i were going through family pictures today and she knows who dadda and momma and lila are and says those fine but she was learning new people as well so we come to the picture of my brother in law Josh and she repeats it back GOSH haha it is Gosh now lol. then also mason comes up as well and she calls him MAY MAY so May May he is. and her cousin Max is MAA so Maa he is lol. kids are great. grandpa has been gapuh and grandma so far is grumu. my parents go by papa and grammy papa she says great but grammy were working on that but atleast she can say nana just great!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
7:08 PM
lil over 18 months now
here is our adorable delila drawing. she loves to draw, this pic is pre kiddie bar we set up it is now her designated drawing spot. and another picture of delila being adorable. she is so cute!!!
so delila is super super fun. she has been learning so much over the last few weeks. she says a bunch of new words like elp is help. she is adorable the way she will bring things to you and say elp for help with something. or bubbles she loves bubbles and she will say it over and over until you play bubbles with her. she is singing and doing the actions to the song we love to sing very well now. one of the cute things she has done this week is i heard her waking up from her nap and she was singing up above and pointing up cause she knows thats where the stars are but over and over i heard up above, up above, up above.... so cute. this morning she was doing it again along with saying bye bye (while waving out the window) and she says bye bye no (snow). it is funny that she says no and no(snow totally different). i guess she gets it is time for the winter to be gone too. haha. so i was walking upstairs to her room with her and she says momma eyes when i put her in her bed. i look at her and she is all ready to fold her arms cause we tell her to close her eyes when it is time to pray so she wanted to say a prayer. she is super adorable. we just love her to bits!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
12:00 PM
extra pink valentines day!
so Valentines this year with my lovey huz was so much fun! friday night we went to CPK mmmmmmm yumm and walked around the mall after to walk off the bread i ate haha! and i got a cute yellow hat and some fun red earings. our great friend crystal watched delila for us (she watches her tons and we love her much for that). on the way home i said richie lets get ice cream (it has been an addiction of mine the last 2 months ugh!) rich said well i want a smoothie hahaha one is healthy the other is not, can you guess?? so i got maggie moos ice cream mmm never had it and it was delicous and rich got smoothie king!! and on our way home we went. so that was friday night then lucky us got to go out again with my inlaws and richards uncle and aunt to daltons. yummmmmmoo it was great! my great lil brother in law watched delila for us while we went to dinner. delila loves her uncle ake ahah Jake is his name but she says ake! we love what she calls her uncle josh too hish ahhaha. she said grandma yesterday! anyways to top off the great weekend my great hunnie got me this....
i have been wanting one for a while now but i could never spend money on that. haha so richie did! lol anyway i love it a lot and when sping comes it will come in handy for some running (if i am prego) some walking!! anyways, i hope everyone had an amazing sweetheart weekend.
p.s. dont you guys worry richie was for sure spoiled to.maybe toooooooooo spoiled! love you richard!
by the way i got this note from him that says your kick "A" . i love you my beautiful wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
10:59 AM
just so everyone knows...
here's one of the pictures of Roman and here is a picture of Delila about the same age!!!!
i really want a little baby!!! (haha) we took pictures of our friends little boy roman tonight and ohhh my gosh he is cute i really really want a baby bad now!! so here is a little venting....
lots of people i know are prego right now and people i know have friends that are prego and so on.... it is making me so antsy!! i am so thrilled for friends and family that are expecting but here is one HUGE QUESTION?... when will it be my turn? lots of people dont know we have been trying for a little while now a little sometimes means big things by the way. anyway, everyday i pray for my turn and i have learned to be patient and calm through this and have also grown a lot closer to the lord! i know deep down that it will happen someday cause we have delila we know it can happen but i crave the baby smell and for delila to have a little sibling. so that is my venting....
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
10:41 PM
So yesterday morning delila and i woke up to a huge KABOOM! freaked me out i ran all over finding what it was. and i found it! it was our computer desk just fell. RANDOM! nothing was hurt in the fall. Anyways it gave us the perfect opportunity to get the craft/office room put together with the storage and smaller desk unit we have wanted. so we went and purchased this cute desk below and also this great wall storage!!!! my mom has a few of them in her craft room and i love them. i got the largest one that fits perfect on our wall.
anyway so today while delila is napping i will be painting that room to get it all ready for my kinda craft room! still need to get some things like boxes and a shelf or two or three haha!! but i am so excited!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
9:41 AM
go home Deanna
so i just watched this weeks episode of the bachelor and omg next week is gonna be good. but i just want Deanna to go home! why the heck would she come back to screw things up? i mean if it means for molly to go home to thats ok. but sheesh things are gettin steamy! if you dont watch the bachelor sorry for the babbles and if you do are you here with me on this? i loved Deanna last season but she screwed things up so go home already!!! next week needs to come fast!
Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.
Posted by
the keele's
10:04 PM
home sweet home
we are home from sunny cali!! it was very fun and now it is snowy !! crazy crazy! anyway pictures to come later. i need to get some cause my cam was dead!! ugh!! i hate that. my brothers wedding was so sweet and pretty!! well i have some projects to finish now woohoooooooo!
Posted by
the keele's
11:39 AM