haha she looks goofy in this picture. i love it!
i love her lil chubby cheeks. she is adorable.
Dont mess with her. she will punch your lights out! haha.
SWEET!!!! big eyes in this picture my goodness!
owies!! 4 of them today!!!
Well Delila had her 2 month dr visit today! she is still long and skinny. she has a very average head! thats good, her brain is developing! She has gained 2 1/2 pounds since her last apt. 9 pounds now. and my goodness she has also grown 2 1/2 inches. 23 inches now. goodness she is cute!!
I was talking to mom today and so goes katie just think about this, Rudy (my brother) (her first born) was 9 pounds to start out. I was just thinking oh my goodness i cant imagine! My mom is some lady cause she had twins after Rudy and both of the twins were good size babies. 6 pounds each! then me a lil 6 pounder. I just thought that was crazy.
So mom gets here tomorrow so that means i have to get my house cleaned up so she thinks that i am a good mom and wife! Meaning i can manage being a wife and a mom and keeping my house clean all at the same time!! haha. So what if not every single room in our house is clean. At least our bed is made everyday and our room is pretty clean everyday. dishes get done once or twice a week!! haha! laundry thought, thats another story! Anyways Love You All!
I love it babe, you're sweet, and you're a great Wife and Mother.
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