
I got GOOD news and i got BAD news

The BAD news first!! i went to the dentist today and found out i need to get my Wisdom Teeth pulled ASAP! ugh, not looking forward to that at all! The GOOD news is i have ZERO cavities. woohoo!

Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.

The other good news is that this lump on my neck is nothing to worry about unless it doubles in size and unless it gets hard. right now it is rubbery like an eraser! same size too. so i am good! WOOHOOO!!!


Nisha said...

So, will you get the wisdom teeth out as soon as you get back? I wonder if that's why you've had headaches. So glad the lump is no worries! Have a fun trip!!! Wish I were leaving sooner :)

dxeechick said...

UGH, I feel for you with the wisdom teeth. Had mine out last year, and not to scare you or anything, but it was one of the worst experiences ever!! Everybody told me it wouldn't be that bad - but they lied.

the keele's said...

i'm ready for the worst haha! and yes nisha totally why i am getting bad head aches for sure! we talked all about it.

Tinaya said...

I'm so glad it is nothing to worry about with your neck. Sorry about the wisdom teeth, that is never fun.

Heather said...

I will bring you jell-o, popsicles, ice cream, whatever soft thing you prefer after you get them out, okay? After I got mine done, all I ate was orange sherbet - and I haven't really liked it much since...