
Funny Story

So the subject of the e-mail my dad sent me was CPOLTON KUHN. so i thought my new nephews name was CPOLTON. hahaha typo...... it is Colton Ira Phillip Kuhn. haha thanks dad.

so Colton is adorable i saw him last night at our family get together and my gosh he is so handsome.

Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.


Stacey said...

I was so trying to pronounce that name and I was so confused. I told Greg what the name was and he was like WHAT? So glad that typo was a typo!
Cute little newborn. Fun for them!

Mandy said...

He totally looks like James. That is crazy I just saw thema couple of days ago. When was he born. Tell them congrats for me. I am so sad I did not get to see you. I thought you guys were going to come by Sat morning.

TD Quong said...

haha, that's funny. Yes, Colton is a little easier on the tongue, hehe.