
the new thing that moves

this is our new thing that moves! a MINI VAN!! Toyota Sienna! It is so great, we love it lots! a 2007 so it will last a long long time! we have had it a little over a month now but hey it is great!!
this is not actually our car well ours looks just like this! i will get some pictures of the family in the family car some time for everyone!

Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.


Mandy said...

Aren't mini vans awesome I love mine. I never thought I would say that. Now you just need more babies to fill it. hehe

Tinaya said...

I'm jealous, I want a mini van so bad!!!

The Wies Family said...

That is the same kind of mini-van we are looking to get. I just hope that they have the hybrid version out by then, but we shall see.