
Oink Fest

this is what she does best. this is one of her new favorite snacks. yummy. after this we had to practically hose her down. haha great sunday activity.
lets see, some of the new things Delila does now are.....
hold the phone to her ear and say hello (heoo) haha thats a funny one. she mostly walks on all fours now. she climbs up on everything. she loves to watch people. she dances a lot. thats really funny to watch. she taps her foot. she falls asleep within a few minutes 5 out of the 7 days of the week on her own in her crib. THATS A BIG DEAL.
we are so excited for this summer. we have a lot of plans. for 7 weekends in a row we will be out of town. well we will be home one of those weekends. but we are excited. first is southern utah second is southern utah third is california 4th is northern utah and 5th is southern utah and a couple more lil trips. haha delila is gonna hate the driving. well maybe she will like it? who knows we will see. (flying to california though, thank goodness)

Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.


[Morgan] said...

she and jonas should have an eating contest! ha ha ha. she's such a doll!

Jessica said...

I can see hair! Cute.