
Having Fun at Grandma and Grandpa's

Delila got some very cute new finger puppets at IKEA the other day and she loves them. Daddy did a little puppet show today and oh my she was entertained by the shark swimming after all the other fishes. She likes to chew on them once she gets them off of our fingers. IKEA is the best for toys. EVERYONE go there. haha But here is Delila playing with Uncle Jake. He makes her laugh lots.

haha the shark got stuck up here and then she pulled her bow down and so she had a shark Eye patch. she has been pulling on her bow lately, i don't want her too though haha.

Prepare the Child for the Path. Not the Path for the Child.


Heather said...

Delila's personality is coming out more and more - she is a hoot!

[Morgan] said...

So cute! I just bought that tank for Ellie at target! Cute Cute.