
Lila and her boyfriends AGAIN!


Delila went to play at her friend Jonas's house yesterday. Lots of kids were there playing. Jonas, Owen and Delila were all born within 6 weeks of each other so now that they are older they play together. SUPER FUN to watch them.

Lila Just lookin at the toys
Owen, Lila and Jonas Hanging out together
Lila and Jonas. i think it is cute how she is holding his foot and just starring at Jonas
Playing with the fun toy! TYPICAL DELILA! haha


Stacey said...

What? Another Jonas? How funny. He's cute.

Hillary said...

I can't believe how much they have changed since that first picture. Playgroup was lots of fun, lets do it again!

[Morgan] said...

For some reason, I saw these pictures and started to cry. I just can't believe they are growing so fast, soon they'll be running around together! and hopefully one day running back and forth between our gate! Love them!

[Morgan] said...

Hey Cattons, I checked out your Jonas and he is darling! Its a good name. Do people frequently ask you if you're a Weezer fan? ha ha. We get it all the time!

Stacey said...

We are huge Weezer fans. We love the name Jonas and always have. Very cool. Someday we'll have to meet!

[Morgan] said...
